Thursday, May 01, 2008

HK 21C Learning: Almost Ready

Well, after two online research sessions and two public holidays spent creating a slideshow & handout, I think my presentation for Saturday's HK 21st Century Learning conference is just about finished.

I first posted about this back in February, but it really wasn't until the last couple of weeks that I buckled down and pounded out the workshop.

Titled "Baby Steps into Web 2.0: Wikis & RSS", I'm gearing my presentation at classroom teachers new to / hesitant about using these Web 2.0 technologies. I've designed the session to involve lots of time to mess around with these tools, following the premise that teachers need to be comfortable with using new tools for their own personal learning BEFORE they can use them in the classroom.

I got a lot of help in my thinking from the following three posts:

First, Karl Fisch's great photo of his seven year-old daughter multitasking on a laptop and cell phone provided a perfect visual for a short segment on the digital native / immigrant analogy.

Then, my friend Justin forwarded me Wes Fryer's brief yet cogent piece on how to introduce new technologies to teachers. Provides a nice theoretical framework for the "learn by doing" parts of my workshop.

And lastly, Dan Meyer is the root cause of all my hours spent in front of the computer. Without all of his posts on presentation design to look through, I would not have had anything as aesthetically pleasing and well-constructed as the slide deck and handouts I've (hope I've?) arrived at.

Now's the time to do a few final talk-throughs with the slide deck. Tomorrow I print off the handouts. Saturday, 9.00 AM HK time, it's Go Time.

Coming up soon-ish: the actual preso. Coming up after Saturday: the presentation gets online.